My Mom was a real blessing to me. She is also a wonderful Labor Doula, and I asked her to be in the delivery room, toward the end, to be an encouragement to me. She truly was...and Bic and I were very thankful for her assistance!
Our First-born...our little DQ (Drama Queen)
Grandma Bickerton!
Daddy, with his boy...Finally time to go home...Thank Goodness!
Augustine is just crying because the hospital stay was so annoying : ).
Our boy likes to cuddle.
...On Tuesday morning (August 3rd) I had an appointment with my Midwife. I was 41weeks pregnant and 5 centimeters dilated. At 41 weeks, they like you to do a non-stress test and a measurement of the baby's water. Augustine was monitored for a long time, because my midwife was uncomfortable with the change in his heart rate, each time I had a contraction. Although she was honest in saying that the monitors don't necessarily tell us anything, given the information that was available, she, ultimately, suggested that we induce labor by breaking my water...rather than send me home and have me keep having contractions that may or may not be having a negative affect on the baby. For instance, there could be a cord issue.
Although we would have preferred to not induce labor, we were thankful for the Midwife's professional opinion and we got ready to have a baby.
I've got to tell the hours leading up to the actual breaking of my water...I was very nervous, scared, and upset. I was, mostly, really worried about my baby boy. Hearing "there may be a cord issue" was VERY difficult for me. Like everyone else, I've heard some bad stories. Also, I was anxious in knowing that we were going to purposely induce labor. Of course, I was very interested in not being pregnant anymore, but I also knew that the less you interfere with Labor, the less complicated it is likely to be...and that's kind of what I was going for.
My water was broken at 5:30pm. The Midwife was awesome, and stayed in our room for a while, talking with us about nothing serious and helping me to relax. After she left to tend to another mom, I tried to play a game of cards with Bic, but I was a real wreck. A couple hours went by and my contractions remained the same as they had been for many days and I was discouraged because the baby was being continuously monitored, meaning I was attached to short cords and couldn't move around much. As I sat there, feeling worried about my baby, I realized that this was not going to work. My emotional state was not going to help my labor progress. There are many mental aspects to giving birth!
I knew that no one could tell me that my baby was definitely going to be okay. I knew that no one could tell me that inducing labor wasn't going to lead to further interventions. But, I was desperate for something that was completely absolute "sure thing."
I picked up the bible I had asked my brother, Pete, to bring to the hospital. I stood up and began to walk 4 steps forward, 4 steps back (about as far as I could go, being hooked-up to the monitors). I read Psalms 139 and 18...over and over and over again.
God used His never-changing Word to remind me of His identity and MY identity. Those words began to renew my mind, soul and spirit...not because I knew everything would go well with the baby or the delivery....but because I KNEW that, no matter what, things would be well with ME. My God's promises to me would not be changed...and that's what I needed.
Well, somewhere, in the midst of this calming of my contractions began to get stronger...and stronger. If I sat back down, they would I just kept walking back and forth. About two and a half hours later, our beautiful baby boy was born...healthy, beautiful, and safe!
All Glory and Praise be to God!
And, a really HUGE "Thank you" and "I love you" to my husband...the BEST coach. He couldn't have been more Awesome!