This Abundant Life

This Abundant Life
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Our Good Friends, the Williams', took us on vacation this year. It was the first trip we took with our kids...our first family vacation...and they were the perfect family to help break us in to the "this is no lounging-by-the-pool-with-a-book-and-cocktail-in-hand type of vacation."

No, seriously, we had a blast. Ricky and Cara are the most laid-back people we know with the most precious children we know. They make everything easier and more fun. It was so wonderful to create memories with our babies while they are so little. It was so awesome for Gwen to play with her best friend, Clair...and for Augustine to follow little Ricky around to see what big one-and-half-year olds know how to do.

I loved spending some girl time with Cara...talking about silly and serious things and getting to stay involved in each others real lives. And, of course, Bic and Ricky are NEVER at a loss of things to connect them together and make them laugh.

The Little Dudes

That's our Girl! How did she get so BIG?


BFFs! They have been since the beginning.
These girls know that there are some people you just "click" with.

They are, however, not so great at the picture-taking.

There he is. All tired out after he destroyed the couch with his banana.
Don't work too hard there, buddy.

We Love the Williams'! Thank you for your friendship!


Josh and Jenni said...

Looks like a blast!!

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